The Bee's Knees suggest "the very peak
of perfection or the ultimate in beauty, attractiveness, desirability".
- A Dictionary of Catch Phrases. Eric Partridge. London: Routledge
and Keegan Paul, 1977.

How it all began …
was dreaming of starting a family one day when she had an epiphany.
She would dream big and start a knitwear business at the same time!
With that she could stay at home with her baby and still be able
to work on her other passion, knitting. Bee's
Knees Knits was conceived at that moment, and Holli was so
convinced of the potential for her big idea that she ordered the
company labels right away.
It still took three years, but her son Devan was born within months
of the first design coming
off the needles. It's been non-stop ever since, although Holli now
wonders what ever made her think that raising a baby and a business
at the same time would be easy. Her husband, Rod, has been a great
supporter of her efforts too, so Holli feels blessed that she can
finally live her dream.
One of Holli's recent designs is dedicated to her late grandmother,
Ruby who suffered with Alzheimer's disease. In memory of "Grandy,"
ten percent of all retail sales of Ruby
goes to the Alzheimer
Society of Canada.
Meet Holli Yeoh
her superb design skills and her experience as a mother of a small
child, Holli designs children's sweaters that are both original
and practical. You will love the look and feel of these beautiful
patterns, and they are a joy to knit.
Knitting has been an insatiable passion for Holli since childhood,
when she learned to knit from her mother, who is also one of her
strongest supporters in her new business. Holli majored in textiles
and jewellery design at the Nova
Scotia College of Art and Design and completed her degree in
Fine Arts in 1989. Coupled with her love of knitting, Holli was
a natural for this new phase in her life. When not knitting, Holli
is thinking about designing what she will be knitting next.
Holli's sweater design Devan has been published in Knitty
She has also designed for Skacel
Collection Inc. and the Knitting
Pattern-a-Day Calendar.
Bee's Knees Knits is located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
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